someone obtains a scar, the likely aftermath is that you want to lessen the appearance and heal your skin. The problems related to scar tissue aren’t just cosmetic, as the excess tissue around the scar can also become weaker and often feel uncomfortable. 

The natural healing properties of CBD provide anti-inflammatory effects that can help heal scars and promote the rebalancing of your skin. Skin conditions and scarring can run the gamut, so the results of CBD use vary widely depending on what type of skin issue or scar you have. 

CBD won’t make scars fully disappear, but it can provide significant healing improvement and reduce the chance of scar tissue formation.

What CBD Can and Cannot Do to Help Heal Skin & Scar Tissue?

Lessen Inflammation and Scar Tissue

Although using CBD can’t completely remedy skin issues and make scars disappear, it can play a critical role in healing wounds by stimulating the production of new skin cells and reducing visible scarring. CBD supercharges the body’s natural healing process by promoting healing and increasing cell regeneration which can reduce scar formation. Thanks to CBD’s natural anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces swelling and irritation associated with wounds, which allows your body to focus energy on healing. The natural properties of CBD oil can positively impact your internal state and the external scar, relieving your body from the stress and anxiety associated with your skin issues. 

Help with Pain Relief 

Through increasing blood flow and collagen levels, CBD can also assist with the reduction of cellulite and acne scars. Although not all scars are painful, many involve lingering nerve pain associated with scar tissue. CBD interacts with your body’s endocannabinoid system which is responsible for regulating numerous critical physiological and cognitive functions, such as sleep, pain sensation, mood, and memory. In addition to producing an anti-inflammatory response through the endocannabinoid system, CBD also helps with that nasty itching sensation that occurs when skin is healing or irritated. 

Additional Ways CBD Can Help Shield and Heal Skin

Is your skin dry or itchy?

Your skin is full of water and a sticky oil substance called sebum which must be kept in careful balance to retain moisture. When oil and water are stripped from the skin and not replenished then annoying consequences like dry, red, and irritated skin can occur. CBD can replace moisture and heal dehydrated or cracked skin by balancing out sebum oil production. Containing naturally hydrating qualities, CBD includes fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Fatty acids help your skin lock in moisture, so by using a CBD-infused cream or oil, you can help keep your skin hydrated and reduce the itchy feeling of dry parched skin. 

Shielding Skin from UV rays and External Irritants 

The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of CBD help avoid and treat skin issues, including preventing the harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiation. Due to its natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components, CBD provides a variety of skin healing benefits. By regulating protein biosynthesis, CBD products can protect your skin cells against UVA and UVB-induced environmental changes. 

In addition, CBD can protect your skin from common external irritants and allergens like fragrances, cosmetics, preservatives, soaps, and dust. When your skin encounters an allergen or irritant, your body’s immune system naturally responds. The released chemicals cause inflammation to counteract the allergen, resulting in an itchy rash. CBD oil acts as a barrier to prevent irritation from these harmful irritants, generating healing due to its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Antimicrobial Properties 

CBD contains powerful ingredients that are naturally antimicrobial and therefore can act as strong bacteria killers. Although CBD isn’t a replacement for antibiotics, studies have shown that it can be more effective with some strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. CBD doesn’t need to enter bacteria cells to kill bacteria, instead, it attacks bacteria membranes, popping cells like little water balloons. There are many types of bacterial infections of the skin that not only cause irritation but can also lead to skin infections. Luckily, CBD oil is the most healing natural solution for a plethora of skin issues providing not only healing and relief but also prevention. 

Heal Your Skin With CBD From Botanika Life 

Rich with antioxidants and antibacterial properties, Elite Elixir shields the skin from harmful free radical damage and UV rays while replenishing your skin’s natural moisture levels. With organically grown full-spectrum CBD, this wonder product can be used topically on scars and skin issues, as well as ingested orally for beneficial full-body effects. 

Designed to tighten and smooth skin, Botanika Life’s Hot Massage Cream helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. With full-spectrum CBD and other natural ingredients that stimulate healthy circulation, skin becomes firmer resulting in the diminished appearance of dimples, cellulite, and similar conditions anywhere on your body. 

Whether you struggle with an aching scar, sore muscles, or achy joints, find the relief you have been looking for with products from this potent CBD Pain Relief Collection. Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic components, CBD reduces pain through its effects on the nervous and immune systems. Just when you think it can’t get any better, add natural pain-relieving ingredients like lidocaine and menthol to the mix to reach new heights in your relaxation and comfort. 


By Emily Wegener

With a unique background as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Masters Degree in Teaching and experience in Psychology, Emily spends much of her time researching and trying out new holistic healing modalities.


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