With research increasingly suggesting that CBD is effective at helping everything from anxiety to skincare issues to pain relief, more and more individuals are curious to try CBD for themselves. Common questions we hear are how to use CBD oil drops?, as well as how many should someone take?

In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about using a CBD oil dropper so you can apply it with confidence!

Why Drop CBD Oil Under the Tongue? 

Sublingual application has many benefits over other types of usage methods, because of the way CBD accesses the endocannabinoid system. It utilizes the CB1 and CB2 receptors that are internal, but are also external in the skin, mouth, and under the tongue. 

Ingestibles like infusions for food and drink, or gummies have to go through the normal digestive process and do have a good amount of bioavailability. There is also a delay in how quickly the effects can be felt, and the potency is reduced because of digestion.

On the other hand, sublingual application subverts the need for digestion, as the receptors under the tongue do the delivery work. 

However, it’s worth acknowledging that you can also use a dropper to topically apply CBD, especially if you want to leverage the oil’s many skincare benefits. It can reduce inflammation and redness, hydrate and nourish skin, balance sebum production, and even help relieve painful conditions like rosacea

Directions on How to Take CBD Oil Using a Dropper

  • Shake the bottle well before each use.

  • Start with a low CBD oil dose, usually 3-5 drops, even if the instructions suggest more. It’s better to titrate up if you find the lower amount isn’t getting the right results, but be sure you’re giving the CBD oil enough time to work.

  • Hold the CBD under the tongue for 60-90 seconds. The oil should absorb into the receptors there, but it is ok to swallow if there is any remaining.

  • Wait a minute or two before drinking water. While CBD can be added to infusions, and still works very well within beverages, when using a sublingual application, you want to ensure the optimum amount is absorbed fully through the receptors first. 

  • Keep consistent. With a CBD oil that is taken under the tongue, the effects are amplified by regular usage, so build it into your daily schedule for continued wellness. Remember: CBD is non-addictive, non-psychoactive, and does not cause overdoses, so you can adjust how much and how often you take it, if you have a chronic health concern.

Additional Guidance for Finding the Right Dosage

You can do the math to determine how much CBD is in each dose. Firstly, know how much CBD is present within the serum; while the Elite Elixir from Botanika Life has 1,500mg, other brands may have much lower concentrations, meaning you’d have to use the dropper to apply more CBD oil to receive the same benefits. 

With this in mind, remember that a single drop will hold about 0.05mL. So, roughly speaking, the Elite Elixir’s 30mL bottle would offer users 600 drops of CBD oil. The 1,500mg divided by the 600 drops suggests that each drop would contain 2.5mg of CBD. While this number may not mean much to a beginner, it could be helpful for a CBD user switching brands or transitioning from gummies to oil. 

So what is the CBD oil dosage you should use? In truth, there is no universally agreed-upon amount, as it varies from one individual to the next based on their body’s makeup and the severity of the need. 

As mentioned above, we suggest to start-off using just a few CBD oil drops and then working your way up to the desired level. For more tips, read How Much CBD Should You Take to Relax - Figuring Out the Dosage.

Start Using Quality CBD Oil with the Elite Elixir

Botanika Life's underpinning mission is to provide customers with a suite of clean, plant-based solutions to everyday wellness needs. Our CBD comes from organically farmed hemp, meaning it’s free of pesticides and GMOs. 

The Elite Elixir is 1500mg of full-spectrum CBD oil with hemp seed oil. The two power ingredients deliver a bounty of antioxidants to fight the signs of aging, reduce anxiety, promote homeostasis within the body, minimize inflammation and hyperpigmentation, and even protect against and decrease sun damage. Best yet, it comes with third-party lab results made available to the public so you can verify the cleanliness of our products.

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