• Can I store the cryo massage ball in the freezer long-term: There is no limit to how long you can place the cryo massage roller in the freezer. However, extended periods in the colder temperatures may lead to frost accumulation on the surface. This is harmless to the massage roller, but make sure to clean it off prior to use. 
  • Can I control how cold the cryo massage roller gets: If you desire a cool compress without reaching cryo-levels of cold, place the massage ball into the refrigerator or in the freezer for a reduced amount of time. Additionally, you can apply the cryo roller directly on top of clothing to buffer your skin from the cold. 
  • Does the cryo massage ball provide a “frotox” for facial sculpting: Yes! The popular term “frotox” refers to the many benefits that come with chilled rollers. This includes de-puffing, pore shrinkage and skin tightening, giving an overall lifted appearance (though the results are not long-term).